Rebranding the Revenue Acceleration Experts

Over the past few months, Axiom has been building our client-base beyond the O&G Industry—Communications, Financial, and now, Sales Technology.

Revenade, a sales acceleration expert, wanted to transition from a service-oriented company to a product company through their proprietary offering; a sales playbook. To make the change, and better represent this collaborative sales platform, Revenade needed a brand overhaul to clearly communicate their shift in strategy and offerings.

In total, the rebrand included: new Revenade logo, product naming and logo (RevZone), positioning line, website, animation, email newsletter, email campaign, service naming and logos (RevGuide, RevLaunch and RevTrain) and RevZone interface look and feel.

Revenade’s sales playbook product (which was later renamed RevZone by the Axiom creative team) was superior to other offerings in the market, yet the company had not begun to promote their product to external audiences. Housed in a collaborative program, RevZone allows an organization’s sales team to see their position in the sales cycle, locate sales documents and access predefined content that’s tailored to three key industries (software; distribution/VAR; and professional services).

Axiom began the rebrand with a Marketing Strategy Profile to identify key audiences, selling messages and uncover Revenade’s unique differentiators. These insights served as the foundation for the entire rebranding campaign, influencing the new company logo, website look and feel, content tone and new product names.

To view Revenade’s new website and identity, please visit Revenade or the Axiom portfolio.